International Brecht Society (IBS)



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1) The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 48 (2023) was published in Nov. 2023. Click here for details. Vol. 49 is now in production and will be published in November 2024

2) Das Brecht-Archiv / The Brecht Archive (Berlin) There you can get access to the library holdings of the Brecht-Archive (OPAC) as well as the archival holdings (Archivdatenbank):

New Brecht books 

Bertolt Brecht, "Unsere Hoffnung heute ist die Krise": Interviews 1926-1956, Hrsg. von Noah Willumsen (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2023)

Irina Rastorgueva / Thomas Martin, Hrsg., Russen/Brecht. Ansichten zum politischen Theater in Russland zwischen Stalin und Putin ( Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag, 2023 )

Christian Hippe, Cornelius Puschke, Marianne Streisand, Volker Ißbrücker, Hrsg., Brecht und das Theater der Interventionen (Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag, 2023)

Questions about performance rights of Brecht's plays should be directed to the German Brecht publisher, Suhrkamp Verlag:

For English-language performance rights, here.

Brecht's Works in English: A Bibliography

Check this website with over 4200 entries if you want to know whether there is an English version of Brecht's plays, poems, songs, stories, or essays.


Financial support worldwide to not-for-profit organizations for performances of musical works by Kurt Weill and Marc Blitzstein, to individuals and not-for-profit organizations for scholarly research pertaining to Kurt Weill, Lotte Lenya, and Marc Blitzstein, and to not-for-profit organizations for relevant educational initiatives. See:


Call for Submissions 1:

The Brecht Yearbook is seeking submissions for volume 50 (November 2025). 

Das Brecht-Jahrbuch bittet um Einreichungen für Band 50 (November 2025).

Details / Enzelheiten here.

Call for Submissions 2:

Baustelle Brecht VI (13. Dez. 2024), CfP hier auf Deutsch.

Baustelle Brecht VI (13 Dec. 2024), CfP here in English.

brecht: fragments (Raven Row Gallery, London)

An exhibition, curated by Phoebe von Held, with Tom Kuhn, Alex Sainsbury and Iliane Thiemann, treats two intersecting ideas in Brecht’s production, the visual and the fragmentary. Brecht described his collaging practice as ‘Klebologie’ (cut-and-paste-ology), and the Brecht Archive is lending over 100 original manu- and typescripts and other documents, many of which will be on public display for the first time. Admission is free, from June 15 until Aug. 18. Press release here.

For further information:

IBS at the German Studies Association Conference (26-29 Sept. 2024, Atlanta, GA)

"The 'fiery theological nucleus' of Marxism: Brecht, Müller, Benjamin" is the topic of 2 linked panels at the annual GSA conference. Read the CfP here. In addition, the IBS sponsors with the DEFA Film Library a roundtable discussion on the Palitzsch/Wekwerth film of the Brecht production of Mutter Courage on the release of the DVD with English subtitles.

Internationale Heiner Müller Gesellschaft (IHMG):

Der 1. Band des Heiner-Müller-Jahrbuchs zum Thema "Naturdiskurs bei Müller" erscheint Ende 2024. Für den CfP auf deutsch hier klicken.

Vol. 1 of the Heiner Müller Yearbook on the theme of "Müller's Nature Discourse" will appear at the end of 2024. For the CfP in English click here.

IBS Election

Every two years elections for the steering committee of the International Brecht Society take place. The nominees for the two-year term of 2024-2025 have been elected. The next election takes place in November/December 2025.

Alle zwei Jahre findet die Wahl des Vorstands der Internationalen Brecht-Gesellschaft statt. Die Kandidatenliste für den Zweijahreszyklus 2024-20225 wurde gewählt. Die nächste Wahl findet im November/Dezember 2025 statt.

President: Markus Wessendorf (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Vice President: Micha Braun (Universität Leipzig, BRD) 
Co-editors of 'Communications': Jack Davis (Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri) and Anthony Squiers (AMDA College of Performing Arts, Los Angeles)
Secretary/Treasurer: Paula Hanssen (St. Louis, Missouri)

[Note: Jack Davis stepped down in spring 2024 and the Steering Committee appointed Joerg Esleben to replace him]

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